Sunday, February 15, 2009

When Devastation Strikes

© Copyright Ceres Walter

14 February 2009

When Devastation Strikes

When devastation strikes

It hits you flat in the face

You feel beaten and wonder why

The cancer picked you out to stay

It is the second time for me

People think how sad

She has to be frightened

And the kin must be feeling bad

But I am not afraid

For God watches over me

He sets everything in order

To keep my passage free

Now I have had my operation

The tumor and glands are taken away

Next Tuesday I will learn

What the surgeon will have to say

Whatever the results might be

God is always nearby

He gives me the daily peace

I know, for I am His child

I like to thank everyone

Who remembered me in his prayers

And thoughts at the 5th of February 2009

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