Sunday, November 23, 2008

Destructive Change

© Copyright Ceres Walter
21 November 2008

Breaking Change

What were you really after?
What was your ultimate goal?
What you accomplished, is disaster
You ignored Mother Nature’s call

Why cannot you live in balance?
Why take without compensate
Why couldn’t you resist the challenge
You destroy instead of assimilate

You act as if it is owned
Wherever you go a soiled trace
Your mess has definitely grown
On earth as well as in space

But Mother Nature is fed up now
She strikes back, it’s payback time
Earthquakes, tsunamis, melting ice caps
Don’t you really see the signs?

Listen to the world’s weather forecast
Look how chaos reigns
Floods and droughts started to harass
As a result of your destructive change

1 comment:

DAW said...

nou sorry hoor ±D